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Approach to SDGs

The Cam supports sustainable development target (SDGs).

Aim of SDGs17

Let's get rid of poverty
Starvation to zero
To all people health and the welfare
High quality education in all
Let's realize gender equality
Safe water and restroom all over the world
And it is clean by energy in all
As for the job satisfaction as for the economic growth
I mend a base of industry and the innovation
Let's get rid of the inequity of people and the country
The town planning that it is continued living in
Responsibility to use the responsibility to make for
The measures that are concrete for a climate change
Let's follow the richness of the sea
Let's follow the richness of the land
Let's achieve an aim in partnership

SDGs is "sustainable development target" (Sustainable Development Goals) and is an international aim until 2030 adopted by the United Nations Summit of September, 2015.

As action plan for the cause, a human being, the earth of the
oath called "(leave no one behind) to never leave behind on the earth" and prosperity "poverty" "health and welfare" "education"
I am comprised of 17 aims including a "job satisfaction" "climate change" and 169 targets.

Developed country oneself works on SDGs as well as developing countries; is universal,
It is worked positively in Japan.

Relation with the employee

High quality education in all
Let's realize gender equality
As for the job satisfaction as for the economic growth
Let's get rid of the inequity of people and the country
The measures that are concrete for a climate change
● I provide it at the opportunity of a great variety of external classes to plan ability reinforcement of all people
● Approach of the mental health care (including a stress check diagnosis, the consultation desk setting)
● Introduction such as the reduction of working hours duty that care, child care is easy to be compatible
● Offer of the labor circumstances that employs a foreigner, and is equal

Approach to environment

High quality education in all
And it is clean by energy in all
The town planning that it is continued living in
Responsibility to use the responsibility to make for
The measures that are concrete for a climate change
● I suggest automation facilities, and the productivity of the production spot improves
● Introduction of facilities in consideration for environment
● The lighting LED in the office reduces electricity consumption by becoming it
● Repromotion to cycle by the classification enforcement

Relation with the society

To all people health and the welfare
As for the job satisfaction as for the economic growth
Let's achieve an aim in partnership
● Development of the business continuity plan (BCP)
● Active employment of local human resources
● The support of the local event
● Participation in local volunteer activity
● Internship acceptance of the student

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